W.P. Brown Enterprises, Inc.

-- Energy Is Our Business --


57051 Marietta Road – Byesville, OH  43723

740-685-2594     --     fax: 740-685-2730




January 1st, 2010







Planning year round projects BEFORE you dig:


When you are planning a farm or construction project be sure to include the location of our pipelines and well facilities. In addition to being expensive to construct and repair, oil and gas pipelines and production equipment represent a potential safety hazard and possible environmental problem should you cut or damage them.


Some of the types of activities that have resulted in problems in the past include:


Plowing                                   Burning brush

Building fences                        Installing tile lines

Constructing farm ponds        Cutting timber & brush

Clearing stumps                      Grading roads & leveling lots

Any kind of excavating           Installing septic tanks

Trenching or digging


If you are planning a project you should contact our office at least seven (7) days in advance to arrange for one of our Field Superintendents to meet with you and to locate our facilities. We can be reached at our main office located in Byesville, Ohio 740-685-2594.  If you fail to contact us before you dig, and you or someone you allow to work on your property damages one of our lines or facilities, YOU will be held responsible for all personal injuries, repairs, damages loss of Gas or Oil revenue and environmental clean up.




Operating space requirements:

Another factor that should be included when planning any projects in the area around the wells, pipelines, tank batteries, lease roads, and other production equipment is the physical space required to operate and maintain our equipment. Drilling, completing, reworking and producing oil and gas wells is very equipment intensive. The area that it requires to move this equipment onto, off of, and the set up area around the well site can be significant. This space must be left accessible and is necessary for our ongoing operation. For safety consideration, The Division of Oil and Gas recommends a 200 foot spacing and mandates by law a 100 foot spacing from any occupied building to the well head. Please be sure to contact us early in the planning process so that we may work together to insure that all safety and operating conditions can be properly and, adequately addressed.


Lease Gas Uses:

Often times on property where the well is drilled or where a pipeline is constructed, the lessor or landowner is permitted to take gas from the well for domestic use. This gas is made available solely at the lessor's/landowner's risk and responsibility.


(a) For those individuals who have and are utilizing this gas supply, it is important to note key points related to this usage.


1. The lessor/landowner must maintain his lease gas equipment. It is solely his responsibility. We strongly recommend that pressure reducing and safety regulators, drips, and other associated equipment be cleaned and inspected by the user on a regular basis, as W.P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. does not provide this service.


(b) Lease gas users MUST always have a back-up heat supply. The back-up supply should already be partially in use or immediately available. If a well or gas line has an operational problem, the lease gas supply may be interrupted. During cold months a back-up supply is the only way to avoid frozen water pipes and the inconvenience associated with an interruption.


2. W.P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. typically supplies a lease gas meter when lease gas is being utilized at the well or tank battery. The meter allows for measurement and billing of excess gas over lease allowance and is an excellent tool to use when checking for leaks in the gas line. You as the user should periodically check your line by performing the following check:


Shut the valve at the house!

Watch the meter at the well or tank battery

If the meter continues to measure gas sales, a leak exists the leak should be repaired by the lessor and the line tested again. 


(c) Service Line Responsibilities Mandatory:

Congress expanded 49CFR-192 in August 1995. This regulation relates to landowner’s service lines.

1. The operator (W.P. Brown Enterprises, Inc.) does not own or maintain the landowner's piping.

2. The landowner's piping may be subject to potential hazards of

corrosion and/or leakage.

3. Gas piping should be:

(a) Periodically inspected for leaks.

(b) Periodically inspected for corrosion (if metal piping).

(c) Repaired, if any unsafe conditions are discovered.

4. Before beginning excavation, buried piping should be located.

5. Landowners must telephone the following for assistance in locating buried lines. The Oil & Gas Producers Underground Protection Service at (800) 925-0988, and the Ohio Utilities Protection Service (OUPS) at 811.


(d) W.P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. will not tolerate any unauthorized gas taps. You will be disconnected immediately and prosecuted.


Please refer to your Lease for terms and usage amounts. W.P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. is not a public utility, and you need to be advised that the gas supply can be interrupted without notice due to unforeseen or weather related circumstances. We cannot guarantee your supply. W.P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. is not responsible for any problems that might arise due to gas outages for any unknown reason. You must have a standby or alternate source of heat. We will always make every attempt possible to assist you with or resolve any gas supply problems during our normal work hours of 8:00AM. - 4:30 PM., Monday through Friday. If a service call is requested after hours or on the weekend, you will be billed at a rate of $75 per hour. This fee is necessary to help recover the costs incurred with after hours work.


Please remember to be courteous when calling in an emergency or an outage, as we will be courteous to you. We understand your situation and will try our best to accommodate you.




It is your responsibility to pass this information to your tenants, tenant farmers, or anyone who may use your property or free gas.


Hydrogen Sulfide Gas (H2S)


Please be aware that some wells could produce deadly Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Gas.  If you smell an unusual odor or the smell of rotten eggs around any of your gas appliances, meter drip, lines, well head or facility, IMMEDIATELY turn off all  of your gas appliances and shut off the supply of gas into your house.  Stay away from the well or tank battery facility!  As soon as you and your family are safe, contact us!  





W.P. Brown

 Enterprises, Inc.







Free Gas Is Not Free and It Will Not Last If Wasted!

Use It Wiseley!


Call Before You Dig!

W.P. Brown Enterprises



Oil & Gas Producers Underground Protection Service



Ohio Utilities Protection Service (OUPS)

(800) 925-0988