W.P. Brown Enterprises, Inc.

-- Energy Is Our Business --


57051 Marietta Road – Byesville, OH  43723

740-685-2594     --     fax: 740-685-2730


Important Landowner & Royalty Owner Information

Please Keep With Important Documents



Important Landowner & Royalty Owner Information


Social Security Number / Tax Identification Number Requests


The IRS requires that W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. report the Social Security Number or Tax Identification Number of all payees. This requires all royalty owners to submit to us a completed IRS Form W9.  Without this information, your royalty payments will be subject to 28% non-refundable withholding under IRS Regulations.  IRS Form 1099 will be mailed to you on or before January 31st of each year.

Address Changes


Changes to your address, phone number, or e-mail address can be made at our web site http://www.wpbrownent.com.  If you have a change of physical address, we will need an updated and signed IRS Form W9 to make the address change.  This form can be obtained on our web site or from www.irs.gov.   The updated W9 is not needed for phone number or e-mail address changes.

Sale/Purchase of Leased Property


For a full or partial conveyance of a mineral interest, royalty interest, working interest or overriding royalty interest, it is the responsibility of the purchaser to furnish W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. with the following:


A complete copy of the conveyance document recorded in the County and State where the producing property is located. Please include:                Name, Address, Social Security Number or Federal Tax Identification Number of the new owner(s).


W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc.'s policy is to issue payment by Record Title Ownership, therefore W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. will not transfer payment to a different owner without a recorded document.


Name Changes


When an individual's name changes, as the result of a marriage, divorce, etc., please furnish W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. with a copy of the Marriage Certificate, Divorce Decree reinstating a maiden name or other official documentation evidencing the name change.


You should also submit a copy of the Social Security Card showing the name as changed with the Federal Government/Internal Revenue Service. This insures that W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc.'s records are the same as the IRS.


When a company or corporation changes its name, W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. will require a copy of the Certificate of Name Change and the new tax identification number.

Change of Ownership Due to Divorce


W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. will require a complete copy of the Divorce Decree, including the property settlement document and copies of recorded conveyances.



When a trust is created W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. will require copies of the Trust Agreement and the recorded conveyance to the trust.


When a trust is dissolved, W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. will require a copy of the Instrument of Dissolution and appropriate recorded conveyances. For changes in Trustees, W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. requires a copy of the document whereby the successor trustee was appointed.


Power of Attorney


When any W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. owner is represented by an Attorney-in-Fact, a copy of the Power of Attorney document must be provided to W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. to establish the extent of power given to the Attorney-in-Fact by the owner. 

When an Owner Dies


When an owner dies, all checks and tax documents will be issued to “The Estate Of” the deceased until documentation stating otherwise is provided.  Please remember an oil and gas well royalty interest is an asset and must be processed through the probate court to be transferred.

When an Owner Dies Without a Will


When an owner dies without a will, please furnish W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. as many of the following documents as appropriate:


·       Death Certificate

·       Letter of Administration

·       Affidavit of Heirship - This document should be recorded in the same State/County where the Producing Property is located

·       Names, address and Social Security Numbers of the legal Heirs

When an Owner Dies With a Will


When an owner dies with a will that has been admitted to probate, please furnish W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. as many of the following documents as appropriate:


·       Death Certificate

·       The Probated/Recorded Will Order Admitting the Will to probate Names, addresses and Social Security Numbers of the persons to whom the property passes under the Will

·       Copies of any appropriate recorded conveyances


Note:  If the will was admitted to probate in a different State, other than where the producing property is located, W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. may require all of the above and Ancillary Probate in the State where the producing property is located.

Termination of Joint Tenancy upon Death


W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. will require a copy of the Death Certificate.  Please furnish the Social Security Number or Federal Tax Identification Number of the successor in interest

Life Tenant Dies


When an owner of a life estate dies, W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. will require a copy of the Death Certificate and the names, addresses and Social Security Numbers of the individuals who own the remainder and who succeed to the interest.


Note: Individual State laws differ on descent and distribution. You will be informed by W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc.'s Land Administration Office if additional information is required in any of  the previously listed situations.



When an owner is a minor or is declared incompetent, please furnish Letters of Guardianship issued by the court.


When a minor reaches the legal age, W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. will need a copy of the minor's Birth Certificate.



W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. will require copies of the court order appointing the Bankruptcy Trustee, if appropriate, the recorded conveyances and the court order confirming any sales. For a Chapter 11 Bankruptcy a copy of the order Consummating the Plan of Reorganization is required.



Checks are generated on a monthly basis for accounts totaling $25 or more.   For account balances less than $25, checks are issued at the end of each year, on or before December 31st.

Frequent Landowner Requests


Please do not request address information, etc. concerning other landowners. W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. does not publish the personal information of our landowners.


Please do not request W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. to provide a property value relative to our producing properties. W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. is not in a position to publish property values involving our producing properties.


Contacting W.P. Brown Enterprises, Inc.


W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. contact information is as follows:


W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc.

57051 Marietta Road

Byesville, OH  43723



740-685-2730 (fax)



When contacting W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. by phone or in writing please include your the last four digits of your Social Security Number.  If you are a new owner, please include your contact information such   as your name, current address, phone number and a brief message concerning and your specific questions.


If you are contacting W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc. concerning a particular property, also include the property/well number. The well number is found on our royalty check detail statement.  Failure to include owner number and property/well number may significantly impact W. P. Brown Enterprises, Inc.'s ability to respond to your inquiry






W.P. Brown

 Enterprises, Inc.